Exercise Cobra warrior - waddington 2019
Exercise Cobra Warrior
Exercise Cobra Warrior is taking place at RAF Waddington from Monday 2nd September to Friday 20th September 2019 and will include aircraft of the German Air Force, Italian Air Force & Israeli Air Force. This is set to be the largest Air Exercise that has taken place in many years at RAF Waddington, certainly since the Runway refurbishment and with the Waddington Air show being no more it is set to attract a lot of attention to a scale that the area has not seen for many years. Support aircraft are due to arrive and depart from Monday 19th August 2019 to Monday 30th September so there should also be ample opportunity to photograph Transport Aircraft.
What’s Due
Fighter wise it looks like we will be getting Eurofighter Typhoons from the Italian Air Force in a similar quantity to the four that operated from Waddington on Cobra Warrior 2018. Then the largest contingent is expected to be from the German Air Force also with their Eurofighter 2000’s, but unfortunately were not expecting their Tornado’s to make an appearance this year. It’s been widely reported that we will see Israeli Air Force F-15’s although probably not their latest “I” variant. For some of the Exercise these will be supported by the Israeli EL/M-2075 Phalcon which is an Airborne Early Warning & Control System based on the Boeing 707. As for Frequency of Flying a rhythm of “one day on, one day off” was observed last year. Before and after the Exercise we are also likely to see transport support in the form of C-130 variants and A400M’s in and out. As far as schedules go we’re unlikely to be able to release any flying schedules however we will constantly be monitoring social media and taking messages from helpful folks so anything I can reveal according to our Source Information Policy Rules will go on to our diary HERE. I can not stress how important it is to keep checking the diary. Its free, available to anyone, can be searched and will be the first thing we update with any rumours. Unfortunately we are not going to be able to answer the many “Do you know whats flying?” messages we get on social media.
The W.A.V.E.
The Waddington Aircraft Viewing Enclosure (WAVE) and Sentry Post Cafe/Snack bar at the WAVE will be open throughout. Entry will be free and reading between the lines I think the authorities will be keen for people visiting to restrict themselves to the WAVE, so if you venture outside the WAVE please only go where you know you are legally entitled to be! Also remember the Sentry Post has had a difficult few years with the Runway works, they open 7 days a week normally to provide a service to the spotting community and face increased overheads to cater for the surge of people likely to attend so they very much need your support. Overspill parking is likely to be available on the old dispersal’s South of the WAVE near the Fire & Rescue Training Facility.
The hedge running alongside the A15 has been cut down to a height that photographers should be able to photograph without the use of ladders. This also ties in with the authorities request of “Do not use ladders on or around the fence line” which is something to be mindful of.
Keith Wignall
RAF Waddington –Press Release
As the Nations assemble at RAF Waddington we thought we would share some imagery with you. German, Italian and Israeli Air Force personnel and equipment have been arriving on Station over the last few weeks prior to the start of Exercise COBRA WARRIOR next month (September). Exercise COBRA WARRIOR provides valuable training opportunities for all those participating.
Apart from the odd bit of rain, the sun has been shining so we were able to give everyone an even warmer welcome!
Israeli Air Force Boeing 707-300 Tanker “272” arriving at RAF Waddington 28th August 2019.
German Typhoon “3056” touching down at Waddington 29th August 2019.
Italian Air Force Typhoon “MM7353” Waddington 29th August 2019.
A Rainbow Warrior? German Air Force A400M touching down at Waddington
A huge thanks to TAS Member Brian Hadley for sharing the following images and writing the associated narrative. All were taken by Brian at Waddington on Wednesday 28th August:-
818, F-15C Baz, 106 Sq, Israeli Air Force, Tel Nof. Marked on the fin with its former FMS, 80-0125. 106 Sq is also known as The Point of the Spear Squadron/The Spearhead Squadron, hence the dramatic tail markings.
715, F-15D Baz, 106 Sq, Israeli Air Force, Tel Nof. FMS 90-0277. The Israeli F-15D is not a two-seat trainer variant but actually a very capable combat aircraft.
706, F-15D Baz, 106 Sq, Israeli Air Force, Tel Nof. FMS 90-0276. The R2D2-like bump on the spine, visible just behind the cockpit, probably houses an advanced communications system.
810, F-15C Baz, 106 Sq, Israeli Air Force, Tel Nof. FMS 80-0123. As well as the fin and forward fuselage, the serial is also visible on the nosewheel door.
583, F-15C Baz, 106 Sq, Israeli Air Force, Tel Nof. Although marked 83-0067, its correct FMS is 83-0062. 83-0067 is in reality a B-1B preserved at the South Dakota Air and Space Museum, Ellsworth AFB, since 2005.
733, F-15D Baz, 106 Sq, Israeli Air Force, Tel Nof. FMS 90-0275. Each Baz is named, with the name on the port-side forward fuselage. 733 is “Raz Ha'Melech” which translates as “King's Messenger”.
272, Boeing 707-3L6C Re’em, 120 Sq, Israeli Air Force, Nevatim. 120 Sq is also known as The Desert Giants Squadron: indeed, 272’s boom is marked ‘Desert Giants’. Built in 1975, 272 was the 900th 707 off the production line and once flew with British Caledonian as G-CDHW.
980, F-15D Baz, 106 Sq, Israeli Air Force, Tel Nof. Formerly 80-0055, it served as such with the USAF for some 35 years, latterly with the 173rd FW/Oregon Air National Guard. This is not its first visit to the UK: it was one of a batch of eight former 173rd FW F-15Ds delivered to Israel via Lakenheath on 14/15.9.16. After nearly two years of rework and upgrading, during the summer of 2018 it became the first from this batch to fly again and has now entered Israeli service.
A big thanks to Ross Fearn who visited a glorious sunny Waddington on Friday 13th September and has shared the following shots with us:-
German Air Force Euro Fighter Typhoon 3064 departing Waddington on 13th September.
German Air Force Euro Fighter Typhoon 3065 at Waddington 13th September
German Air Force Typhoon 3074 taxiing out at Waddington 13th September
Israeli Air Force F15D “706” departing Waddington on Friday 13th September
Israeli Air Force F15D “706” landing at Waddington on 13th September - having declared a hydraulic problem the aircraft “Returned to Base”
Israeli Air Force F15D “733” at Waddington 13th September
Israeli Air Force F15C “810” departing Waddington 13th September 2109
Israeli Air Force F15 C “818” at Waddington 13th September
A beautiful shot of Italian Air Force Typhoon MM7321 at Waddington 13th September 2019
Italian Air Force Typhoon MM7352 climbing into the Lincolnshire blue on 13th September
Italian Air Force Typhoon MM7353 at Waddington 13th September
Royal Air Force Boeing E-3D Sentry AEW 1 “ZH103” departing Waddington 13th September.
RAF Beech 350 “Shadow R1” ZH418 of 14 Squadron departing Waddington on 13th September.