Air Traffic Control in the UK - Controlling the Skies

Air Traffic Control in the UK - Controlling the Skies Online.jpg
Air Traffic Control in the UK - Controlling the Skies Online.jpg
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Air Traffic Control in the UK - Controlling the Skies


Air traffic controllers ensure the safe passage of aircraft in the skies over the UK.

They guide aircraft during take-off, approach and landing at British airports and airfields as well as on the ground, and when transiting the complex airspace of the UK and out over the North Atlantic.

Detailed case studies of air traffic control at London Heathrow and Manchester airports are included in this authoritative guide, as well as an overview of military air traffic control in the UK and an appraisal of the influence of weather on the safe operation of aircraft in the airport environment.

With more than three million flights a year expected in UK airspace by 2030, recent and future airspace modernisation involving the use of new navigation systems and technologies is described.

Eventually, these will lead to changes in the role of controllers and provide a more efficient and environmentally cleaner use of UK airspace.

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