Sixties Movements
Sixties Movements
This CD contains extensive data formatted in Microsoft Excel. Whilst every effort was
made to include as much Information as possible, which was effectively achieved, it
was not possible to include all of the 'routine' movements.
All Foreign airlines which operated Scheduled, Charter, Ad-Hoc flights.
Most Inclusive Tour, Cargo flights, Light Biz-jet and Military movements.
All aircraft carrying out training or ILS approaches.
The data to the left of the sheet contains the miscellaneous movements. The data
to the right contains the Scheduled flights. The data is broken down to one sheet
per year and each individual year is broken down month-by-month.
Not included:
BEA – Dakotas/Viscount/Vanguard & BAC 1-11 flights.
BUA – Viscounts (I.T. & Trooping flights).
CAMBRIAN – Dakota & Viscount flights (DC-3s recorded 1966-1968).
LAKER AIRWAYS – BAC 1-11 (1969 only).
STARWAYS – Dakotas/Viscounts.
Diversions, logged separately on our ’60 Years of Diversions’ CD.
** Please note **
Certain registrations are missing, particularly from 1969 onwards, these were not
recorded by ATC. However, many have been recovered during periodical research
from a variety of sources. Data for August 1961 is missing.