Movements of interest from today included SmartLynx A321 YL-LCV, which arrived early morning from Birmingham on its 3rd visit as MYX9962. This departed just over an hour later operating LS961 to Dubrovnik, which arrived back early afternoon on its 4th visit on LS962. After an hour on the ground it departed back to Birmingham as MYX9962. SmartLynx Estonia A320 ES-SAQ arrived early afternoon from Leeds on its 1st visit as MYX9771, which departed an hour later operating LS929 to Reus. This arrived back during the evening on its 2nd visit from REU on LS930. easyJet Europe A320 OE-ICV operated its 2nd visit on EJU2921 from Milan. VistaJet Malta Global 6000 9H-VJX arrived early evening on its 4th visit as VJT972. And CityJet CRJ-900 EI-GEF arrived during the evening on its 2nd visit on SK541 from Copenhagen.